Friday, September 26, 2008

DurgaPuja at gulshan

Meaasage from Srabonti

For those of you who do not know, Dhaka City Corporation (DCC) is trying to stop the Gulshan Puja @ the Gulshan Youth Club Ground at the eleventh hour. After all our efforts to ensure that this is truly a 'Sharbajanin' & secular festival, now they think it's a sensitive area for non-muslim events! 

Last night, they also deployed the Ansar Troup to stop our decorators to do any ground work or access the ground.

DCC is playing lazy to answer our appeals, knowing that with the Eid vacations ahead, we would be left with practically no time to take any preparation for decoration before the 5th.

It is so sad that, despite the communal tolerance in the mass people of Bangladesh, these bureaucrats and political leaders try to impose the non-secular attitude on the nation to benefit their respective interests. 

We would request all of you to raise your voice against such an unreasonable act. We are sure that we can use all the help we can get!

My comment

Actually here in Dhaka, we have very few occasions to celebrate in a festive mood.
DURGAPUJA may be one of the exceptional occasions where there should not be communal character as it is a part of our culture not as a religion.
Alas! I don't understand how much time we will take to realize this?

Promoting Wife.................a new trend!

I dont understand why they are doing so,,,,,,,think about Humayun Sir(writer,director,teacher),Mahfuzur Rahman(chairman,ATN). 

I dont find anything special in Eva Rahman as a singer.Mahfuzur Rahman spending lots of money & time to promote her as a singer.Even ATN is loosing its popularity only because of her I must say.

On the otherhand our Humayun Sir is relentlessly trying to promote her 2nd wife to turn her into big big actress! But Why?

ডুমস্ক্রোলিং (Doomscrolling)

ইন্টারনেটে একটানা নেতিবাচক বা উদ্বেগজনক খবর পড়ার অভ্যাসকে ডুমস্ক্রোলিং (Doomscrolling) বলা হয়। এটি কখনো কখনো প্রয়োজনীয় খবর জানার জন্য সহায়ক...