Saturday, December 20, 2008

Advertisment for change

Recently different organizations are telecasting advertisement for  creating awareness among voters about coming elections.
But a product advertisment of a cellphone company also echos the expections of general populations & encouraging,I may say song for change.In this ad two dept ,Network & Customare care debates/demands all the credit for the success of the company which may symbolize with the two major political factions of our country.
The two dept of the company reaches a consensus about their part/role for the devlopment( in the advertisement).I hope same role from the political forces for the development of oue country.

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হাত ও পায়ের তালুর অতিরিক্ত ঘাম

কেউ কেউ অন্যদের তুলনায় বেশি ঘর্মাক্ত হয়ে থাকেন। মানুষের ত্বকে ঘর্মগ্রন্থী (sweat gland) থাকে, যা আবহাওয়ার তাপমাত্রার সঙ্গে তাল মিলিয়ে কম...