Monday, March 30, 2009

Doctors Day:Retrospective

I realise we have been trying to prevent or get rid of diseases from the very begeining of human civilzation.Scintists & professionals of medical arena are working sincerly to ease the suffereings of the patient.Once we fell sick,pain is the most common symptoms we experince in the course of disease process.can you emagine a surgery without anesthesia now a days!That what surgeons used to do before March 30,1842.On this day in 1842 Dr.Crawford W Long MD of Georgia,USA first ever administered ether anesthesia to perform a neck surgery on his patient James Venable.Thus the era of painless surgery started.Eudora Brown Almond,wife of Dr. Charles B. Almond first thought to honor doctors as a recogniton for their services to the mankind & the day was first observed on March 30,1933.This is a symbol of doctor-patient relationship.As a doctor Dr. Long achieved a great milestone to alleviae sufferings of the patient.Doctors have been trying continuously to alleviate human sufferings since the start of human civilization.Let us celebrate International Doctors Day in a spirit to develop a patient freindly healthcare service in our country.

হাত ও পায়ের তালুর অতিরিক্ত ঘাম

কেউ কেউ অন্যদের তুলনায় বেশি ঘর্মাক্ত হয়ে থাকেন। মানুষের ত্বকে ঘর্মগ্রন্থী (sweat gland) থাকে, যা আবহাওয়ার তাপমাত্রার সঙ্গে তাল মিলিয়ে কম...