Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Cardiac diseases & interventions:Socioeconomic context of Bangladesh

Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable country as per prevalence of cardiac diseases.Roughly to understand Cardiac diseases may classify into congenital(from the time of birth) & acquired.
Many factors attibutes to acquired types mainly related to lifestyle & preventable in many ways.Proper treatment of high blood pressure with drugs & by changing life style can prevent Coronary(blood vessel of heart) arterial blocks.
Treament of heart diseases are done by changing lifestyle,drugs & by interventions.
Cardiac diseases those require mechanical or surgical intervention are mainly,blocks in tha coronary arteries,problems in the tansmission of electical waves in heart& some congenital heart diseases.
The main theme of this writing is with the cost of interventional procedures in cardiac diseases & its feasiabilty in the socioeconomic context of Bangladesh.Treatment cost of this procedures are composed of mainly hospital cost,fees of the specialist & device those are needed to fit according to diseases.

In public tertiary(3rd level) hospitals first two cost are within the limits of common people but the burden is with cost of the device or tools(Stent,pacemaker).
These device or tools are imported by some agents from companies abroad & price in most cases are out of reach of common people.
The importing agengies have been giving huge commission to some specialists & sponsoring their so called overseas conferences(mainly pleasure trips)regularly which is also responsible for the high cost.
Doctors should practise their professional ethics & morality.If it is impossible to manufactue these device & tools,Govenment may import & ensure proper marketting.
NGOs may come with community health insurence program which may help common people to meet their treatment cost.
Otherwise the proper treatment of cardiac diseases in Bangladesh will not be ensured.

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হাত ও পায়ের তালুর অতিরিক্ত ঘাম

কেউ কেউ অন্যদের তুলনায় বেশি ঘর্মাক্ত হয়ে থাকেন। মানুষের ত্বকে ঘর্মগ্রন্থী (sweat gland) থাকে, যা আবহাওয়ার তাপমাত্রার সঙ্গে তাল মিলিয়ে কম...