Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Cardiac diseases & interventions:Socioeconomic context of Bangladesh

Bangladesh is one of the most vulnerable country as per prevalence of cardiac diseases.Roughly to understand Cardiac diseases may classify into congenital(from the time of birth) & acquired.
Many factors attibutes to acquired types mainly related to lifestyle & preventable in many ways.Proper treatment of high blood pressure with drugs & by changing life style can prevent Coronary(blood vessel of heart) arterial blocks.
Treament of heart diseases are done by changing lifestyle,drugs & by interventions.
Cardiac diseases those require mechanical or surgical intervention are mainly,blocks in tha coronary arteries,problems in the tansmission of electical waves in heart& some congenital heart diseases.
The main theme of this writing is with the cost of interventional procedures in cardiac diseases & its feasiabilty in the socioeconomic context of Bangladesh.Treatment cost of this procedures are composed of mainly hospital cost,fees of the specialist & device those are needed to fit according to diseases.

In public tertiary(3rd level) hospitals first two cost are within the limits of common people but the burden is with cost of the device or tools(Stent,pacemaker).
These device or tools are imported by some agents from companies abroad & price in most cases are out of reach of common people.
The importing agengies have been giving huge commission to some specialists & sponsoring their so called overseas conferences(mainly pleasure trips)regularly which is also responsible for the high cost.
Doctors should practise their professional ethics & morality.If it is impossible to manufactue these device & tools,Govenment may import & ensure proper marketting.
NGOs may come with community health insurence program which may help common people to meet their treatment cost.
Otherwise the proper treatment of cardiac diseases in Bangladesh will not be ensured.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Politics & professionals:Scenario of doctors in Bangladesh

In a democratic governence there is no alternative of politics.Every political group must have their own ideology to run the state & they should try their level best to implement their manifesto after getting verdict of the majority of citizen.The democratic systems allows the politicians to fuifil their ideology from the top of the system.Public servents acts according their directions.
Every individual voters may vote according their choice between parties, that does not mean he must belong to a particular party that he votes .We experienced a vast majority of our public servants declares their political idendtity in a malafide intention for many years.Professionals like doctors,engineers,agriculturist also following the same track,even in the judiciary too.

Now what is the intentions of doing so? Mostly follow hippocatic means only for personal intersts.When political loyality determines the fitness over skill & merit, the systems can not act as efficiantly as it could be.As a politically conscious professional I discovered,most of the doctors leading the political wings of a party are doing so because of their lacking eitther in skill or academic qualifications in respective speciality even though they dont believe the idiology of that political party,only to get illegal benefits.
Most of the junior doctors are getting involved under the leadership of this corrupt professional leader only just to get admission in a course,for a good posting or for an academic posting.Does any patient benefit results from this groupings?Simply think a doctor attending a patient after asking his political identity,should we wait to see that horrible scenario?
Politicians should realise this indirectly hampers to implement their goals by giving benefit of these hippocrat professionals & therby suffers the nation to as a whole.
I realise in athe public health sector there should be regular promotion like other public cadre service gets.It should be ensured that a doctor is not retiring in the same post he entered in the service.If someone becomes a secretary or a chief engineer without acquiring any further education why not the doctors.Off course qualification should be mandatory for academic & clinical promotions/posting.
There may be a different organogram for those who doesnt enroll into further education,this will encourage doctors to stay at their place of jobs rather then getting involved in DG based corruption posting & promotions which is the prime reason of this political grouping.
Like judicial system there should be a separate pay scale for doctors working in public health system.
In our country Private hospitals are going ahead targetting rich groups .It is the poor people who are suffering & will suffer if we can not break this system.Good politicians always think most about the poorer section of the nation because that is their goal todo politics to upgrade this section & bring sustainable development.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Doctors Day:Retrospective

I realise we have been trying to prevent or get rid of diseases from the very begeining of human civilzation.Scintists & professionals of medical arena are working sincerly to ease the suffereings of the patient.Once we fell sick,pain is the most common symptoms we experince in the course of disease process.can you emagine a surgery without anesthesia now a days!That what surgeons used to do before March 30,1842.On this day in 1842 Dr.Crawford W Long MD of Georgia,USA first ever administered ether anesthesia to perform a neck surgery on his patient James Venable.Thus the era of painless surgery started.Eudora Brown Almond,wife of Dr. Charles B. Almond first thought to honor doctors as a recogniton for their services to the mankind & the day was first observed on March 30,1933.This is a symbol of doctor-patient relationship.As a doctor Dr. Long achieved a great milestone to alleviae sufferings of the patient.Doctors have been trying continuously to alleviate human sufferings since the start of human civilization.Let us celebrate International Doctors Day in a spirit to develop a patient freindly healthcare service in our country.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Advertisment for change

Recently different organizations are telecasting advertisement for  creating awareness among voters about coming elections.
But a product advertisment of a cellphone company also echos the expections of general populations & encouraging,I may say song for change.In this ad two dept ,Network & Customare care debates/demands all the credit for the success of the company which may symbolize with the two major political factions of our country.
The two dept of the company reaches a consensus about their part/role for the devlopment( in the advertisement).I hope same role from the political forces for the development of oue country.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Violation of citizens right

Recently new voter list for Bangladesh is completed.No doubt this will help to conduct the upcoming parliamentary election.
But a decision by EC to give a chance only to Khaleda Zia to become a voter, no other citizen will not get this chance.
I realize this is a violation of the right of other citizen who anyhow failed to become a voter.

Violation of citizens right

Recently new voter list for Bangladesh is completed.No doubt this will help to conduct the upcoming parliamentary election.
But a decision by EC to give a chance only to Khaleda Zia to become a voter, no other citizen will not get this chance.
I realize this is a violation of the right of other citizen who anyhow failed to become a voter.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

National Health Policy(NHP): without Disaster & Emergency preparedness!

Now a days Dhaka already experienced mild earthquake several times. Experts are saying/forecasting possible mid/strong earthquake may hit in our country.

We are experienced as a nation to deal natural calamities like flood, typhoon ,Sidre & that earned a great deal of respect/reputation from other countries. We may think as expert of disaster & emergency preparedness!Do we have adequate preparation to deal aftermath of an earthquake? I fear we don’t have that.
Every disaster has effects on health & a good health policy should have clear strategy how to deal that. The draft National Health Policy of our country has only one sentence, necessary steps will be taken to develop "Emergency preparedness & Response". It should have a separate identity in the policy like many other strategies.
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